statement on mediation
Members of the church agree to submit any legal dispute with the church for mediation before a mutually
agreed-upon mediator, or if none can be agreed upon, one selected by Peacemaker Ministries. Lawsuits
between believers, or threats of lawsuits between believers, are a matter of grave concern for the Church, are contrary to biblical and church teaching, and mediation is an effort to resolve disputes in a biblical
fashion. (1 Cor 6: 1-7).
Mediator(s) will attempt to assist us in reaching a voluntary settlement of any disputes through mediation.
The confidentiality of the mediation process will be protected and these matters will not be discussed with
people who do not have a necessary interest in them. If settlement can be agreed upon, the conciliators may,
at their discretion, issue an advisory opinion. Neither the opinion, nor any communications exchanged
in the mediation process, will be admissible for any purpose in any subsequent legal proceeding.